Come to Yen Bai This Ninth Month to Experience Mu Cang Chai‘s Golden Season
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Come to Yen Bai This Ninth Month to Experience Mu Cang Chai‘s Golden Season

The golden tone of the terraced fields is reflected in the Northwest's highlands and hills.

On the 9th, when the blue sky stopped and was flecked with white clouds that fluttered like a chiffon scarf on the shoulders of the young woman, when the yellow crocodile leaves ran under the wind, when the sun was only passionate and not harsh, golden without brilliance, and when people's hearts suddenly sagged before the old lotus leaf, is the time when the desire to roam the Northwest roads suddenly arises from the depths of the soul.

Terraced fields will have a golden color on the Northwest's hilly peaks and hills in less than a month. From the base of the mountain to the clear blue sky, the Hmong's ladders to the sky appeared to be lavishly covered with gold inlay.

The Hmong people's terraces in the Tu Le valley, La Pán Tẩn, and Mu Cang Chai are incredibly lovely. The Hmong people have formed large and small fields with the same level of sugar, the same height, and the same water level to create the most beautiful rice terraced field population in Vietnam using only a butterfly hoe (small tongue hoe, butterfly-shaped), the strength of their hands, and thousands of years of experience.

The fields were lined up and as dark as piano keys, and many metropolitan tourists were astounded by them. The limitless music of mountains and forests, the mountain breeze, the split water, and the laughing of the harvest are all mingled with those warm, vibrant keys.

As a result, many travelers enjoy Mu Cang Chai's golden season. Highway 32 suddenly crushed many people who "left the street in the forest," hoping to shake off the dusty, dull, and busy city to live a few days in the wilderness. As the hillsides turned from green to yellow, online forums and Facebook pages were filled with plans to "go on a golden season" throughout the South and North.

Move along! Like a snake eating an apple, the words were like honey flowing into one's ears. The distance between Hanoi and Mu Cang Chai, as determined by wheel spins, is 380 kilometers; nevertheless, the route is winding, writhing like a snake, with a high mountain on one side and a deep abyss on the other.

Visitors are happy to ignore Tu Le on their journey to Mu Cang Chai's golden season. It was a tiny valley that was just stunning. When the cliffs by the wayside are painted purple by the setting sun, stop here.

According to the saying "Glutinous Tu Le, Muong Lo," Tu Le is well known for its glutinous rice. So, pick up a bowl of five-color sticky rice that has been made with Tu Le sticky rice right now. This season, the rice has just been harvested and freshly pounded, so the aroma is present from the moment a grain of rice is formed. How then can it be resisted when the alluring smell in the passenger's palm and throat turns the sticky nut into sticky rice?

For many years to come, that aroma will linger in the soul and develop into a scent that generates remembrance. So that anytime the yellow leaves rustle, people's hearts are flooded with memories of a mountain sunset, sitting in the mountain wind with their soulmates, and delicately tossing a sticky bird or slicing magically folded Thai nuggets.

The beginning of Mù Cang Chải is at Khau Phạ cloud pass, also known as the Horn of Heaven in Thai. The Khau San Pass is a 30-kilometer-long mountain pass with a high point of 1,500 meters above sea level. It resembles a horn sticking through a sea of clouds to reach the sky.

Here, it's cloudy virtually all the time. If you are fortunate enough to see a clear day while standing at the summit of Khau San Pass, look down at the Cao San field below were yellow, green, and brown specks form a beautiful carpet.

The Hoàng Liên Sơn Range encircled a plateau in the middle of which Mù Cang Chải abruptly appeared after reaching the top of the pass. The aroma of ripe rice wafting from the smooth terraces fills the area.

Because the Golden Season of Mu Cang Chai is a huge artwork with numerous various components and viewpoints, the beauty of it is so varied that the eyes cannot be filled. Simply go and have a look to appreciate the various terraces' charms.

These are delicate, twisting landscapes that in La Pán Tẩn resemble the imprints of heaven and earth. The Lìm Mông village is shrouded in thick white clouds, blocking the blue sky, leaving these golden fields illuminated by the autumn sun. It was the erratically moving golden streaks in Chế Cu Nha and Dế Xu Phình's sky.

The guests' emotions are charmed when a bee loses its sense of direction while walking among these rice cutting boards during this wonderful autumn period with the sun and breeze. In the midst of the aroma of golden wave rice, the city lights abruptly went out and turned into a dream.

Who visits the golden season in September?

Source: Parsley

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