The “Sea of Clouds” in Lảo Thẩn
Many visitors fall in love at the sight of the sea of white clouds drifting above Lảo Thẩn Mountain like something out of a fairytale.With a height of 2,862 meters, or the "top of Y Ty home," Lảo Thẩn Peak is one of the "hot" trekking arcs in the last months of the year because the climate is perfect for "cloud hunting" at that time. Typically, it takes tourists roughly two days and one night to ascend the peak. Even for people who are not climbers, Trung Hieu, a mountaineering photographer, claims that this palace is not difficult to stroll around. Visitors have the option of taking a tour, which costs about 3 million VND per person, or going alone and hiring a porter, which is more affordable.
On the first day, guests congregate at the base of the mountain, leave their motorcycles there, and get ready to hike. Due to the numerous slopes and, particularly after rain, the slick roads, the initial segment is the most challenging. You should therefore get your climbing shoes and travel-friendly clothing ready.
To assist travelers on their journey, the porters will carry their stuff. Per porter, the rental cost is approximately 500,000 VND. To split the expense, visitors with minimal belongings can be grouped together.
Most of the foothills are modest, grassy slopes with pathways. You will encounter more prickly shrubs and trees as you ascend. Many breaks are made along the journey; rest if you're worn out. Visitors should bring thick clothing because the last few months of the year can be extremely chilly.
Visitors cross the road near the rest hut between barren, dry trees, and flying clouds provide a clear and slightly eerie view. Additionally, because this bow is simple to climb, it is frequently busy, particularly on weekends. "There were roughly 200 individuals, both tourists, and independent travelers, on the day I climbed. Since there is limited space in the sleeping shelter, many people must lie on their sides "Hello remarked.
Trekking tourists walk to the top of the mountain to see the sunrise at four in the morning after spending the previous night in the cabin. Beautiful flowers, grass, and stunning mountains can be seen from a great height.
Visitors climb to the top for about an hour. A massive sea of clouds was currently in front of him. Beautiful morning scene, dreamily. Ledges and dried trees are available for guests to "live virtually" here.
Due to the weather being dry, Lảo Thẩn's best times for hunting clouds and gorgeous yellow burning meadows are from September to November and March to five years later. Additionally, travelers can view the golden, ripe rice terraces in Lảo Thẩn if they are there for around 9–10 months.
Source: Vi Yen - Tran Trung Hieu